Day Three: Stress Management

Stress is part of life and it's not always a bad one. Stress motivates us to overcome challenges that lie ahead. However, when we live in a chronic state of stress, we begin to break down. NIMH has a brilliant article that lists five things you need to know about stress. It's a five minute read at most.

Today's challenges are designed to help you combat the stress you face each day. Check them out!

Explore! Take the Stress Management Scale to see how well you have already managed tension.

Mind! On Monday you were introduced to some basic breathing exercises. We're going to circle back to that with a little more detail.

Body! Let go of  stress by allowing yourself be silly by exploring the bottoms of your feet.

App! Download the Nike Fitness Club App on your iPhone or Android. Design workouts at your fitness level that require little to no equipment.

Enter! Tell us which challenges you completed and be entered into the daily drawing. With each entry you make, you earn one chance in the drawing. Good luck!


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