Day Two: Mind and Body

The connection between the mind and body is real, but we slow to reflect that truth in our daily lives. Our diets can make us feel more sluggish or energetic. Mediation can center us. A quick walk outdoors can renew. 20 minutes in the gym releases endorphines that increase our sense of well being

. We know these things. We also know that lasting change is built step by step. So today, give yourself permission to not attempt radical changes all at once. Just take one meaningful step in the right direction.

Here are today's challenges. Again, do what suits you and discard the rest.

Explore!: Take the Caregiver Assessment to assess how well you are renewing yourself.

Mind!: This quick, fun activity should relax you in a hurry.

Body! Walk this way for a good, cleansing laugh.

App: Download "Stop, Breathe, and Think" on your smartphone. It's filled with mindfulness exercises that you can do anywhere.

Enter the Drawing: Click here to enter the daily drawing.


  1. There is a very cool app that reminds you to do a quick deep breathing session several times throughout the day - it is call "Breethe" . It is on my iphone and apple watch. The app opens and reminds me to stop what I am doing and take a few deep breaths a few times a day. Probably takes no more than two minutes. There is a circle that opens and shuts that you follow which helps you start out slowly before you get to the deeeep breathing. I recommend it. Recently, I started sliding my chair over to a co-worker and we do it together! I like the two apps suggested so far! Thanks for doing all of this for us this week!


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